陶瓷艺术是中国古代灿烂文化的一部分。韩美林先生潜心研究中国陶瓷艺术,沉浸在窑变的神奇变化之中。在长期的创作实践中,他将自己的艺术才思融入陶瓷工艺之中,他所设计的陶瓷作品,造型丰富,形制多样,釉色炫斓。其中钧瓷作品有杯、盘、碗、碟、壶、瓶等多种,其中直径达60至70厘米的大瓷瓶 ,釉色变化多端,再现“雨过天晴泛红霞,夕阳紫翠忽成岚”的艺术魅力。韩美林先生设计的挂盘,是其绘画成就的延伸,简洁清雅,富有装饰的意趣。这些独具个性特色的陶瓷作品,既保持了传统工艺的优长,又融入了现代造型的设计理念,在当代陶瓷艺术中独树一帜。
Mr. Han Meilin is involved in almost every aspect of the field of the arts and crafts.
Chinese traditional ceramics is part of the Chinese splendid ancient culture. Mr. Han Meilin develops himself in studying Chinese ceramics and is deeply involved in the magic changes of furnace fambe. In long-term practice, he integrated his artistic intelligence with arts and crafts art. His pottery and porcelain works appear in thousands of shapes and the glazes are gorgeous. His Jun Porcelain designs include cups, plates, bottles, bowls, pots, and so on. Take the large porcelain bottles for example; they are 60 to 70 centimeters in diameter and the glaze colors change greatly when seen from different angles. His hanging plates are simple but elegant and of strong decorative effect. These pottery and porcelain works with strong personal features maintain the advantages of traditional technology yet are integrated with modern design concepts.
Based on his love for Chinese folk art, Mr. Han Meilin widely absorbs inspiration from folk art, including paper-cutting, cloth art, wood carving, weaving and dyeing, etc. He actively supports new folk art forms and has made great contribution to folk art's contemporary development.